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Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Amvest Tenants Platform

Giving people a good home: that is Amvest's mission. That's why, 25 years ago, the Amvest Tenants Platform was established, a national umbrella organization that advocates for the interests of all Amvest tenant associations and resident committees.

In 2023, the Amvest Tenants Platform celebrated its 25th anniversary on September 29th at the brand-new Amvest building, Jonas', in Amsterdam IJburg, for all board members. Under the theme 'Connection,' various workshops were organized. "Amvest considers it important to be in contact with its tenants because we want to provide our tenants with a good home," says Wim Wensing, Chief Investment Officer at Amvest.

In contact with residents

"The Amvest Tenants Platform plays an important role in this because they are living in homes of Amvest and therefore know what is happening within the properties. They are also in contact with the residents of our homes, and Amvest can therefore be informed about what they consider important," explains Wensing. "Additionally, the Platform assists Resident Committees and Tenant Associations with various questions regarding living and renting. Amvest also regularly meets with the Platform's Board to discuss various processes where the Board provides input for improvements."

Lustrum Day

The lustrum day began with coffee and treats in the central hall of Jonas'. The attendees then moved to the cinema for the plenary session, with a welcome from Platform Amvest Tenants Henny Jacobse and Amvest CEO Heleen Aarts. A juggling presentation was also given. Lunch was provided at FactorIJ, just around the corner from Jonas'. In the afternoon, the connection workshops took place, followed by a tour of Jonas', and the day concluded with a gathering at the nearby café NAP, next to Jonas'.

Connection Workshops

During the workshops on rituals, mindful communication, neighborhood enjoyment, out-of-the-box thinking, and rhythm and connection, board members were challenged to engage in conversations with each other. In a relaxed and informal manner, the board members discussed the challenges within their Tenant Associations and Resident Committees.

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