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Accounting policies

The company financial statements of the Amvest Residential Core Fund have been prepared in accordance with the requirements in Book 2, Part 9 of the Dutch Civil Code. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies applied in the company financial statements are identical to those applied in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the option provided in Book 9, Part 2, Article 362.8 of the Dutch Civil Code. Subsidiaries and joint ventures (jointly the ‘participating interests in group companies’) are valued using the equity method, which is based on IFRS as adopted by the EU.

Pursuant to the option offered in Book 2, Part 9, Article 402 of the Dutch Civil Code, the Amvest Residential Core Fund includes a summarized statement of profit or loss in its company financial statements.

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