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1 Reporting entity

The Amvest Residential Core Fund (the Fund) is a fund for joint account domiciled in the Netherlands. The address of the Fund’s registered office is Zeeburgerkade 1184, 1019 VK, Amsterdam. The Fund is an investment fund investing in a diversified portfolio of residential rental properties located in the Netherlands. On 17 January 2012, the Fund was converted from a limited partnership (C.V.) into two fiscally transparent funds (FGR), which marked the closing date of the Fund.

On 26 November 2014, an AIFMD licence was granted by the AFM.

The licence was granted to Amvest REIM B.V. being the Fund Manager of all funds that act under the AIFM Directive. The Fund Manager has no employees. All personnel are employed by Amvest Management B.V., the Fund Services Provider of the ARC Fund.

On 1 January 2016, FGR2 was terminated due to the fact that the fiscal advantage of the structure with two separate funds for joint account no longer existed. All assets and liabilities of FGR2 were transferred to FGR1.

In 2022 the investors and fund management established new Terms & Conditions that are active as per 1 January 2023.

The Fund is not a legal entity. These financial statements represent the consolidated financial information of the Fund and the companies it economically controls (collectively, the ARC Fund).

Management considered whether the ARC Fund represents a reporting entity. Although there is no legal parent company, management believes that the ARC Fund including economically controlled companies meets the definition of a reporting entity under IFRS, taking into account the revised conceptual framework issued by the IASB on 29 March 2018.

The conceptual framework states that if a reporting entity is not a legal entity, the boundary of the reporting entity needs to be set in such a way that the financial statements (a) provide the relevant financial information needed by the existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors who rely on the financial statements, and (b) faithfully represent the economic activities of the entity.

way that the financial statements (a) provide the relevant financial information needed by the existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors who rely on the financial statements, and (b) faithfully represent the economic activities of the entity.

The ARC Fund represents a defined area of economic activities whose financial information provides relevant information to users of financial statements.

As a result, management believes that this basis of preparation results in a true and fair presentation of the ARC Fund’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows, and that the consolidated financial statements comply in all material aspects with International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the European Union and Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code and the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wft, s. 4:85).

In addition, based on the requirements of Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the ARC Fund prepared the 2023 separate financial statements for Amvest Residential Core Fund. These financial statements are included in the final section of this report.

The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Fund Manager on 19 April 2024.

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