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Accounting policies

The company financial statements of the Amvest Residential Core Fund have been prepared in accordance with the requirements in Book 2, Part 9 of the Dutch Civil Code.

Basis of preparation

The financial statements are presented in euros, rounded to the nearest thousand, unless stated otherwise. The euro is the Amvest Residential Core Fund’s reporting and functional currency.

Summarized company statement of profit or loss

Company Statement of financial position

The Amvest Residential Core Fund obtained economic control over Utrechtse Fondsen Vastgoed CV (UFCV) as per 1 July 2019.

Independent auditor’s report

To: The Fund Manager of the Amvest Residential Core Fund

Limited assurance report of the independent auditor on the selected non-financial indicators

We have performed a limited assurance engagement on the selected non-financial indicators in the Annual Report 2023 (‘the annual report’) of Amvest Residential Core Fund, based in Amsterdam (‘the Fund’).

Provisions in the articles of association governing the appropriation of profit

Article 28 of the Terms and Conditions of Management and Custody of the ARC Fund stipulate that Net Proceeds are distributed among the Investors in proportion to their participation in the ARC Fund’s capital.

Key figures 2023

Composition of the property portfolio

Region * Central Circle - North Wing: - Amsterdam and Utrecht - Satellite cities, including Almere, Amersfoort, Haarlem, and IJsselstein. - Remainder, including Blaricum, Uithoorn and Veenendaal.

Materiality matrix and material themes

The ARC Fund attaches great value to corporate social responsibility and sustainable entrepreneurship. The Fund Manager believes that this can be achieved by permanently adhering to the wishes and expectations of the stakeholders and society.

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