Er zijn 233 resultaten gevonden.
Portfolio strategy
The ARC Fund invests in the Dutch residential rental sector and has a long-term horizon. We are committed to making future-proof choices to realise attractive, stable dividend yields and long-term value growth for our Investors.
Portfolio strategy
The ARC Fund invests in the Dutch residential rental sector and has a long-term horizon. We are committed to making future-proof choices to realise attractive, stable dividend yields and long-term value growth for our Investors.
Portfolio policy
The ARC Fund invests in the Dutch residential sector with a strong focus on affordable/attainable, high-quality, and sustainable residential properties located in areas with the best economic and demographic potential.
Portfolio policy
The ARC Fund invests in the Dutch residential sector with a strong focus on affordable/attainable, high-quality and sustainable residential properties located in areas with the best economic and demographic potential.
Portfolio developments in 2022
In the first half of 2022, the ARC Fund again showed a strong operational performance. From Q3 onwards, results were impacted due to negative revaluations.
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