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KPIs for the purpose of non-financial data in the annual report

Resident satisfaction


Determine resident satisfaction

KPI owner



The resident satisfaction score is the average score on the aspect 'accommodation' of all the rated locations of the AL&C Fund that are in operation. The score per location is the average score of the residents by filling out the questionnaire on the Patiëntenfederatie Nederland website on a scale from 0 to 10.

Scale / unity

Absolute score on a scale from 0 (minimum) to 10 (maximum)


The average score is calculated by means of the average per location of all individual scores on the aspect 'accommodation' who participated in the questionnaire on the Patiëntenfederatie Nederland website per location divided by the number of locations in operation by the AL&C Fund


To achieve a score of 8.0 on average on the topic 'accommodation'


All residents from the AL&C Fund who participated the questionnaire relating to resident satisfaction on the website which is owned by Patiëntenfederatie Nederland


Once a year

Reporting process

• The resident fills out a score on a total of five components on the website and if relevant clarification
• The Patiëntenfederatie Nederland checks a number of responses
• The Patientenfederatie Nederland delivers a report with the average score per location including the number of responses to the AL&C Fund about the scores on the aspect 'accommodation' per location

Systems and sources

Tailor made report

Audit process

The resident satisfaction score is measured completely independently by Patiëntenfederatie Nederland. For the AL&C Fund there is no possibility to check this score.

Result 2022

Resident satisfaction of 9.1, aspect 'accomodation' scored a 9.3. The scores are above target.

GRESB score


Achieve a GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) score

KPI owner



The GRESB score is an overall measure of ESG performance, represented as the number of stars

Scale / unity

Number of stars from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)


The GRESB score is calculated by the GRESB organization based on the answers provided by the participant in a survey. For each question a maximum number of points is possible to be achieved.
The number of stars are awarded based on the relative score in comparison with the other participants.


To achieve the maximum 5 stars


The complete AL&C Fund


Once a year

Reporting process

• The survey is filled in by the AL&C Fund with the burden of proof and argumentation for the answers given
• The GRESB organization checks the answers, the burden of proof and the argumentation and determines the score per question
• The GRESB organization reports to the AL&C Fund the score of the Fund, how it is structured and how it scores in relation to the peer group

Systems and sources

Survey tool

Audit process

The GRESB organization checks the answers, the burden of proof and the argumentation according to its (high) standards and can visit the Fund for a further check

Result 2022

GRESB score of 92 (2021: 91), this results in a 5-star status.

Energy use intensity (EUI)


Measure the energy consumption of the objects in the AL&C Fund portfolio

KPI owner



The total energy consumption in kWh per m2 per year of all objects in the portfolio that have been in operation for the entire calendar year. The sum of the amount of electricity (in kWh), and gas (in m3) which is converted to kWh.

Scale / unity

kWh / m² / year


• Three connections are monitored for each building: supply from the grid operator, electricity generated by the solarpanels (if applicable) and electricity supplied to the grid (if applicable)
• Net consumption = supply grid operator + (generated electricity PV panels - / - electricity supplied back to grid)
• Gas consumption in m³ is converted into kWh (factor 9,769)
• The total energy usage per building is divided by the total Gross Floor Area in m²


To reduce the total energy usage for all the objects within the portfolio of AL&C Fund, which meets the Paris Proof 2030 terms of Energy Use Intensity (consumption in kWh / m² / year)


All buildings in the AL&C Fund, from the date of completion (100% data coverage). The buildings that are not in use for a full calendar year fall outside the scope as this may distort the data due to seasonal effects. The consumption data of previous year is used to determine the outcome for current year.


Once a year

Reporting process

The energy consumption is measured based on the following data:
The total energy consumption in kWh per m2 per year of all objects in the portfolio that have been in operation for the entire calendar year.
The sum of the amount of electricity (in kWh) and gas (in m3) which is converted to kWh.

This information is collected by the asset manager. The information is obtained from smart meters, readings on locations and determined standard year usage of the energy/gas supplier.

The asset manager delivers the data to Cooltree. Cooltree puts the data in the standard calculation sheet which will process the data.

Systems and sources

ESG Data Template (managed by Cooltree, ARC Fund has access), Kenter (for large business connection, this is linked to Eview via an API), CWING (managed by C&W, AL&C Fund has access) Excel for renewable energy. The data is retrieved from the solar panel inverter

Audit process

• It is checked on a monthly basis whether data from all complexes comes in
• Data trends are analyzed annually (smallest and largest consumer based on gas / electricity consumption per m²)
• Data report is created by CoolTree

Result 2022

Average Energy Use Intensity 2021: 131.0 kWh/m2 /year
The change percentage between 2020 and 2021 is a 9.4% increase.

* In 2021 a new measurement method for the KPI is used. In this new method, the amount of consumed energy is divided by the actual square meters of a building covered by the consumption data, instead of by the square meters of the total building. Due to this change the Energy Use Intensity figure has increased compared to the figure reported in the 2020 annual report. For comparison reasons the annual figures used for calculating the change percentage between 2020 and 2021 are both based the new measurement method.

Carbon emissions


Measure carbon emissions from the AL&C Fund

KPI owner



The total CO2 emissions in kg or tonnes per m2 of the buildings of the AL&C Fund

Scale / unity

# kg CO2 / m2 / year


• The amount of electricity in kWh per building is made clear via ESG Data Template of Cool Tree (see KPI Energy Use Intensity)
• The buildings for which 100% green electricity is purchased are taken from the total consumption in kWh
• The total amount of kWh of ‘gray’ electricity is converted to kg of CO2 in accordance with the emission factors of 1 kWh = 0.5560 kg of CO2
• The amount of gas in m3 per building is made clear via ESG Data Template of Cool Tree (see KPI Energy Use Intensity)
• The buildings for which 100% green gas is purchased are taken from the total consumption in m3
• The total amount of m3 natural gas is converted to kg CO2 in accordance with the emission factors of 1 m3 natural gas = 1.88 kg CO2


In 2050 the buildings of the AL&C Fund must be completely carbon neutral


All buildings in the AL&C Fund, from the date of completion (100% data coverage). The consumption data of previous year is used to determine the outcome for current year. Only buildings which are completely in operation during the whole year are taken into account.


Once a year

Reporting process

• The energy consumption is compiled based on the data as described in the KPI Energy Use Intensity
• Subsequently, the tenants are asked which energy contracts have been concluded for gas and electricity
• The total CO2 emissions are determined based on energy consumption and contract types

Systems and sources

The systems used for the energy usage form the source.

Audit process

• The data for the consumption is already checked by Cooltree and added in ESG Data Template of Cool Tree
• The conversion factors are checked on the website of
• The calculation in ESG Data Template is checked using the four-eyes principle (Asset Manager and Portfolio Manager AL&C Fund)

Result 2022

Average Carbon Emmission Intensity 2021: 21.0 kg CO2/m2 /year
The change percentage between 2020 and 2021 is a 8.0% increase.

* In 2021 a new measurement method for the KPI is used. In this new method, the amount of consumed energy is divided by the actual square meters of a building covered by the consumption data, instead of by the square meters of the total building. Due to this change the Carbon emissions figure has increased compared to the figure reported in the 2020 annual report. For comparison reasons the annual figures used for calculating the change percentage between 2020 and 2021 are both based the new measurement method.

Fire safety


Measure fire safety of the buildings

KPI owner



Certified fire alarm systems

Scale / unity

Percentage of portfolio (0 - 100%)


The number of buildings that have a valid fire alarm certificate of the total number of buildings in explotation by AL&C Fund


All AL&C Fund buildings have a certified fire alarm system


All buildings in the AL&C Fund, from the date of completion


Once a year

Reporting process

The tenants of the AL&C Fund have to deliver a valid certificate of the fire alarm system. These certificates are uploaded in a management system of Amvest

Systems and sources

Tenants/ Humble

Audit process

The uploaded certificates are checked by the technical manager of AL&CF by visiting the building and verifying the existence of the original certificate.

Result 2022

100% (85 buildings) valid certificates.

Water use intensity (WUI)


Measure the water consumption of the objects in the AL&C Fund portfolio

KPI owner



The total water consumption in m³ per m² per year of all objects in the portfolio that have been in operation for the entire calendar year

Scale / unity

m³ /m2/ year


The total water usage per building is divided by the total Gross Floor Area in m²


Monitor the water consumption per square meter with the aim of benchmarking this against other buildings, which could possibly lead to applying water-saving measures


All buildings in the AL&C Fund, from the date of completion (100% data coverage). The buildings that are not in use for a full calendar year fall outside the scope as this may distort the data due to seasonal effects. The consumption data of previous year is used to determine the outcome for current year.


Once a year

Reporting process

• Before the completion of a new building, all connections are put in the system Eview (by picture or invoice)
• In the first quarter after the relevant calendar year, an overview is drawn up of all buildings that have been in operation for the entire calendar year and the WUI

Systems and sources

Eview (managed by INNAX, AL&C Fund has access),

Audit process

• Data trends are analyzed annually (smallest and largest consumer based on water consumption per m²)

Result 2022

Average Water use Intensity 2021: 0.87 kg m3/m2 /year
The change percentage between 2020 and 2021 is a 1.9% increase, based on the new method of measurement*.

Renovation roadmap


Draw up a renovation roadmap for all properties

KPI owner



The renovation roadmap provides guidance for sustainable tranfomation of the portfolio towards energy neutral

Scale / unity

# KWh netto energy consumption


This Roadmap links up with the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM). The CRREM decarbonisation pathways align with the Paris climate goals of limiting global temperature rise to 2°C, with the ambition towards 1.5°C.


A roadmap in which all objects of the fund are incorporated and on the basis of which a sustainability trajectory can be calculated


All buildings in the AL&C Fund


Once a year

Reporting process

The roadmap is drawn up using information provided by Amvest

Systems and sources

dashboard roadmap tool

Audit process

At the moment no audit process is in place other than the check which properties are closed to or over the CCREM line.

Result 2022

Insight has been created and assets with highest need for improvement are investigated.

Energy performance certificates


Thrive to limit the higher energy performance certificates

KPI owner



The amount of energy performance certificates of the ALC Fund per calender year based on bookvalue

Scale / unity

Absolute percentage


The energy performance certificates of all existing properties of the ARC Fund, based on bookvalue of the properties.


95% A and B energy performance certificates


Energy performance certificates of the ARC Fund


Once a year

Reporting process

New complexes:
When a new building has been completed the technical manager contacts the contractor to request an energy performance certificate. The contractor hires a company to measure the building and determine the energy performance certificate, this is preferably done in Vabi format. When the energy performance certificate is determined the report is entered in the datawarehouse by the asset controller.

Existing complexes:
When an energy performance certificate is expired or the building has been improved a new energy performance certificate is requested by the technical manager. The technical manager hires a company to measure the building and determine the energy performance certificate, this is preferably done in Vabi format. The energy performance certificate is than entered in the datawarehouse by the asset controller.

Every quarter asset controller asks for an update of NIBAG regarding the current energy performance certificates and this is added to the datawarehouse.

Systems and sources


Audit process

Financial process of Amvest

Result 2022

The percentage of homes with a A and B energy performance certificate for 2022 amounted to 98.7%, which is on target.

GPR certificate score


Achieve a postive GPR certificate score for new buildings

KPI owner



Average score of the received GPR certificates

Scale / unity

Score number from 1 (minimum) to 10 (maximum)


The GPR score is calculated by a GPR certified organization based on the building specific qualities. For each item a maximum number of points is possible to be achieved.
The final score is based on standardized calculation rules (for example EPC-Calculation).


Average GPR score of 7.0


All realised properties within the financial year.


Once a year

Reporting process

The financial staff of the fund determines the average GRI Certificat for all properties based on GPR certificates provided by asset maanger and reports about it in the annual report.

Systems and sources

Amvest data systems

Audit process

Financial process of Amvest

Result 2022

The average score of the GPR certificates over 2022 is 7.4, which is above the target.