Integrity, customer due diligence
Integrity and customer due diligence are key elements of Amvest’s Compliance Program. In 2022, various policies were reviewed and updated following adjustments in internal procedures and the relevant laws and regulations.
Amvest maintains an internal complaints procedure as well as a confidant and an incident reporting system that is reviewed by the external auditor. Integrity is a recurring agenda item at the Management Board and Supervisory Board meetings of Amvest Management B.V..
At the AL&C Fund level, the RCO regularly attends the management team meetings with a minimum of one meeting per quarter and an Advisory Board meeting at least once a year.
The Fund Manager maintains a transaction register, which is compliant with the IVBN guidelines. The register is used to document the AL&C Fund’s property transactions in a transparent manner. All business-to-business property transactions are monitored and documented, so that they can be checked for correctness, legality, and integrity.