KPI’s for the purpose of non-financial data in the annual report
Tenant satisfaction
Objective | Determine resident satisfaction |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | Through an annual tenant survey the ARC Fund measures the property management quality and the customer satisfaction amongst its tenants. This concerns in particular the degree of satisfaction regarding the rented property, the surroundings and the service level. Important elements are the contact moments and availability of staff of the property manager, the service performance, the letting process (intake) and repair requests. |
Scale / unity | Absolute score on a scale from 0 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) |
Calculation | • The satisfaction score is calculated by Customeyes based on the answers provided by the participant in the survey |
Target | To achieve a tenant satisfaction score of at least 7.5 (out of 10) and outperformance of IVBN tenant satisfaction benchmark. |
Scope | A sample of all the tenants from the ARC Fund who participated the questionnaire relating to tenant satisfaction |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | • The tenants fills out a score on a total of five components |
Systems and sources | Survey tool |
Audit process | The tenant satisfaction score is measured completely independently by Customeyes based on the adress list provided by Amvest. Adresses with no current tenants are not included. The same holds true for adresses for which the rental agreement has been signed less than 1 year prior to the start of the survey |
Result 2022 | The average score of three components measured in the the tenant satisfaction score for the ARC Fund was 7.2, which is above the benchmark (7.1), but below the target of 7.5. The scores for the three components were as follows: |
GRESB score
Objective | Achieve a GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) score |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The GRESB score is an overall measure of ESG performance, represented as the number of stars |
Scale / unity | Number of stars from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) |
Calculation | The GRESB score is calculated by the GRESB organization based on the answers provided by the participant in a survey. For each question a maximum number of points is possible to be achieved. |
Target | To achieve the maximum 5 stars, with a minimum score of 87 |
Scope | The complete ARC Fund |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | • The survey is filled in by the ARC Fund with the burden of proof and argumentation for the answers given |
Systems and sources | Survey tool |
Audit process | The GRESB organization checks the answers, the burden of proof and the argumentation according to its (high) standards and can visit the Fund for a further check |
Result 2022 | GRESB score of 90 (2021: 87), this results in a 5-star status. |
Energy use intensity (EUI)
Objective | Measure the energy consumption of the objects in the ARC Fund portfolio |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The total energy consumption in kWh per m2 per year of all objects in the portfolio that have been in operation for the entire calendar year. The sum of the amount of electricity (in kWh), disctrict heating in GJ and gas (in m3) which is converted to kWh. |
Scale / unity | kWh / m2 / year |
Calculation | Electricity: |
Target | Decrease the like-for-like energy consumption compared to previous year |
Scope | All buildings in the ARC Fund, that are included in the annual report of the specific year (only buildings with a 100% data coverage are included). The buildings that are not in use for a full calendar year fall outside the scope as this may distort the data due to seasonal effects. Furthermore, when energy consumption deviates more than 25% from previous year, the data is regarded as an outlier and removed from the final calaculation. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The energy consumption is measured based on the following data: |
Systems and sources | ESG Data Template (managed by Cooltree, ARC Fund has access), Cushman & Wakefield as a provider of data and external portal (managed by Sungevity) for renewable energy |
Audit process | Amvest will check all manual input to ensure sufficient evidence has been provided by the property managers. A sample will be checked for data provided through Cushman & Wakefield and Sungevity portal to ensure all data is accurate. The auditor will have access to the final calculation sheet. |
Result 2022 | Average Energy Use Intensity 2021: 112.0 kWh/m2 /year |
* In 2021 a new measurement method for the KPI is used. In this new method, the amount of consumed energy is divided by the actual square meters of a building covered by the consumption data, instead of by the square meters of the total building. Due to this change the Energy Use Intensity figure has increased compared to the figure reported in the 2020 annual report. For comparison reasons the annual figures used for calculating the change percentage between 2020 and 2021 are both based the new measurement method.
Renewable energy
Objective | Reduce carbon emissions by increasing the produced renawable energy produced by placing solar panels |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The reduction of carbon emissions and climate change is addressed by increasing the production of renawble energy by placing solar panels. |
Scale / unity | # solar panels in the portfolio |
Calculation | • The number of solar panels/homes is registered via the Sungevity dashboard, this information is added to ESG Data Template of Cool Tree |
Target | The ARC Fund expects to increase the number of solar panels in comparison to previous year. |
Scope | All homes within the fund. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | • From the date of placing of the new solar panels electricity which is generated by the panels is measured on the basis of smart meters (automatically read, implemented by Sungevity) |
Systems and sources | Tool (dashboard) Sungevity |
Audit process | • The data for the # solar panels/homes and the data for the generation of energy is checked by Sungevity and by Cooltree |
Result 2022 | In 2021 the ARC Fund has 19,059 solar panels. |
Improve insight in energy consumption (coverage rate)
Objective | Improve the insight within the portfolio of energy usage (improving the coverage rate of energy consumption) |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The total coverage rate of energy/water/gas in all ARCF properties. |
Scale / unity | Percentage |
Calculation | The coverage rate is determined by data per m2 , if one of the elements (energy/water/gas) is missing there will de a deduction of the coverage percentage. |
Target | Improve upon last year (long term target 100%) |
Scope | All buildings in the ARC Fund |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | All energy/water/gas meter readings will be made available to Amvest through eView (smart meters) and the property managers (providing proof) after which it will be calculated against all such meters in the portfolio. Meter readings behind the front door are approached using usage rates on postal code level (standaard jaar verbruiken) |
Systems and sources | Manual data from property managers, Eview, CWING, SJV's |
Audit process | When all data becomes available, KPMG will be able to take sample selection to ensure data is correct en verified |
Result 2022 | The coverage rate for the ARC Fund is 93.8%, which is higher than previous year (84.7%). Therefore target is met. |
Carbon emission
Objective | Measure carbon emissions from the ARC Fund |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The total CO2 emissions in kg or tonnes of the buildings of the ARC Fund |
Scale / unity | # kg CO2 / m2 / year |
Calculation | Electricity: |
Target | Carbon emmision of 19.9kg CO2/m2 /year over 2021 or below. |
Scope | All buildings in the ARC Fund, that are included in the annual report of the specific year (only buildings with a 100% data coverage are included, see coverage rate). The buildings that are not in use for a full calendar year fall outside the scope as this may distort the data due to seasonal effects. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | • The energy consumption is compiled based on the data as described in the KPI Energy Use Intensity |
Systems and sources | The systems used for the energy usage form the source |
Audit process | • The data for the consumption is already checked by Cooltree and added in ESG Data Template of Cool Tree |
Result 2022 | Average Carbon Emmission Intensity 2021: 17.5 kg CO2/m2 /year, which is below target. |
* In 2021 a new measurement method for the KPI is used. In this new method, the amount of consumed energy is divided by the actual square meters of a building covered by the consumption data, instead of by the square meters of the total building. Due to this change the Energy Use Intensity figure has increased compared to the figure reported in the 2020 annual report. For comparison reasons the annual figures used for calculating the change percentage between 2020 and 2021 are both based the new measurement method.
Energy performance certificates
Objective | Thrive to limit the higher energy performance certificates |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | Percentage of energy performance certificates of B and A or higher based on relative bookvalue of the ARC Fund per calender year |
Scale / unity | Absolute percentage |
Calculation | The energy labels of all existing properties of the ARC Fund, corrected for property size |
Target | 90.2% A and B energy performance certificates |
Scope | All operational properties at the end of the year within the ARC Fund |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | New complexes: |
Systems and sources | Datawarehouse |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The percentage of homes with a A and B energy performance certificate for 2022 amounted to 91.0%, which is on target. |
GPR certificate score
Objective | Achieve a postive GPR certificate score for new buildings |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | Average score of the received GPR certificates |
Scale / unity | Score number from 1 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) |
Calculation | The GPR score is calculated by a GPR certified organization based on the building specific qualities. For each item a maximum number of points is possible to be achieved. |
Target | Average GPR score of 7.0 |
Scope | All realised properties wherefore a GPR certificate is available within the financial year.” naar “All new build properties where a GPR certificate is available within the financial year. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The financial staff of the fund determines the average GRI Certificat for all properties based on GPR certificates provided by asset maanger and reports about it in the annual report. |
Systems and sources | Amvest data systems |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The average score of the GPR certificates over 2022 is 7.0, which is on target. |
Generated economic value
Objective | Create a stable dividend yield for the funds investors |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The realised dividend yield of the ARC Fund per calender year |
Scale / unity | Absolute percentage |
Calculation | The dividend of a calendar year that is reserved for payment to the investors of the Fund as percentage of the NAV (net asset value) of the fund per 1/1 |
Target | Stable dividend yield of >3.0% |
Scope | The dividend yield of the ARC Fund per year-end. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The financial staff of the fund calculates the yearly dividend yield and reports about it in the annual report |
Systems and sources | Amvest financial systems |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The dividend yield for 2022 amounted to 2.7%, which is below target. |
Vacancy rate
Objective | Maintain a minimal stable vacancy rate |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The realised vacancy rate of the ARC Fund per calender year |
Scale / unity | Absolute percentage |
Calculation | The average vacancy rate of all existing properties of the ARC Fund, corrected for property size (excluding properties built in 2021/2022) |
Target | <2.5% |
Scope | All existing properties of the ARC Fund, corrected for property size (excluding properties built in 2021/2022) |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The financial staff of the fund calculates the vacancy rate for all properties and reports about it in the annual report |
Systems and sources | Amvest financial systems |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The vacancy rate for 2022 amounted to 2.2%, which is better than the target. |
Investing in mid-priced rental segment
Objective | Maintaining a minimum portfolio allocation in the mid-priced segment (mid-priced formulated in ARCF Portfolio Plan 2021) |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The end-year portfolio allocation of the ARC Fund in the mid-priced segment |
Scale / unity | Absolute percentage |
Calculation | The percentage of homes (both single-family and multi-family) in absolute numbers of the ARCF allocated in the mid-priced segment compared to the ARCF portfolio |
Target | Minimum of 80% |
Scope | The allocation in mid-prized houses (both single-family and multi-family) of the ARC Fund per year-end. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The financial staff of the fund calculates the portfolio allocation of the fund and reports about it in the annual report |
Systems and sources | Amvest financial systems |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The percentage of homes in mid-prized segment for 2022 amounted to 80%, which is on target. |
Mid-priced rental segment
Focus area | Mid-priced | |
Central Circle - Amsterdam | 763.5 | 1,550 |
Central Circle - Big Four (excl. Amsterdam) | 763.5 | 1,350 |
Central Circle - Regional Cities | 763.5 | 1,300 |
Central Circle - Remainder | 763.5 | 1,250 |
Regional Economic Centres | 763.5 | 1,150 |
Remaining Regions | 763.5 | 1,050 |
Limited rental increase
Objective | Ensuring that no property has an average increase in rent exceeding the advised rental increase of the IVBN(The Dutch association of institutional real estate investors). |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The rental increase of the ARC Fund per property |
Scale / unity | Absolute percentage |
Calculation | The highest percentage of rental increase in a property, and compare it to the advised rental increase from the IVBN |
Target | Equal to or below IVBN recommendation |
Scope | The rent increase of properties (both single-family and multi-family) of the ARC Fund during the year. |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The financial staff of the fund has an overview of the rental increase per property |
Systems and sources | Amvest financial systems |
Audit process | Financial process of Amvest |
Result 2022 | The highest rental increase in the ARC portfolio is 3.3%, which is inline with IVBN recommendation of 3.3%. |
Renovation road map
Objective | Draw up a renovation roadmap for all properties |
KPI owner | Amvest |
Definition | The renovation roadmap provides guidance for sustainable tranfomation of the portfolio towards energy neutral |
Scale / unity | # KWh netto energy consumption |
Calculation | This Roadmap links up with the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM). The CRREM decarbonisation pathways align with the Paris climate goals of limiting global temperature rise to 2°C, with the ambition towards 1.5°C. |
Target | A roadmap in which all objects of the fund are incorporated and on the basis of which a sustainability trajectory can be calculated |
Scope | All buildings in the ARC Fund |
Frequency | Once a year |
Reporting process | The roadmap is drawn up using information provided by Amvest |
Systems and sources | Dashboard roadmap tool |
Audit process | At the moment no audit process is in place other than the check which properties are closed to or over the CCREM line. |
Result 2022 | Insight has been created and assets with highest need for improvement are investigated. |