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INREV NAV calculation

In order to give investors information on the transition from the Net Asset Value (NAV) according to IFRS to the adjusted NAV based on INREV valuation principles, the Fund reports the adjustments according to the INREV valuation principles. The fundamental assumption underlying the adjusted INREV NAV of the Fund is that it should give a more accurate reflection of the economic value of the Fund and of a participation in the Fund as it would be realised by a participant in a theoretical sale, as of the balance sheet date, assuming an arm’s length transaction, a willing buyer/seller and an adequate time to market.

The INREV NAV is the basis for unit price calculations for new investors. The Total Expense Ratio (TER) and the Real Estate Expense Ratio (REER) also use the NAV according the INREV Guidelines. 

Reconciliation from reported IFRS NAV to INREV NAV

EUR x 1,000


NAV per the IFRS financial statements


a) Effect of reclassifying shareholder loans and hybrid capital instruments


(including convertible bonds) that represent shareholders long term interests in a vehicle


b) Effect of dividends recorded as a liability which have not been distributed


Diluted NAV



c) Revaluation to fair value of investments properties


d) Revaluation to fair value of self constructed or developed investment property


e) Revaluation to fair value of property held for sale


f) Revaluation to fair value of property that is leased to tenants under a finance lease


g) Revaluation to fair value of real estate held as inventory


h) Revaluation to fair value of other investments in real assets


i) Revaluation to fair value of indirect investments not consolidated


j) Revaluation to fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities**


k) Revaluation to fair value of construction contracts for third parties


l) Set-up costs


m) Acquisition expenses*


n) Contractual fees


o) Revaluation to fair value of savings of purchaser’s costs such as transfer taxes


p) Revaluation to fair value of deferred taxes and tax effect of INREV NAV adjustments


q) Effect of subsidiaries having a negative equity (non-recourse)


r) Goodwill


s) Non-controlling interest effects of INREV adjustments


INREV NAV as per 31/12


*  A five-year amortisation term is used.

** As Per 31/12/2022 revaluation to fair value financial liablities is added to the INREV NAV reconciliation model.

Effect of reclassifying shareholder loans and hybrid capital instruments (including convertible bonds) that represent shareholders’ long-term interest in a vehicle

Investors’ capital can take various forms aside from equity – examples include shareholder loans and hybrid capital
instruments such as convertible bonds. Some vehicles are structured via a combination of equity participations and
shareholder loans.

Shareholder loans and hybrid capital instruments are generally seen as part of the investors’ overall interest in the vehicle.

Since investors in the Fund only invest via shares, no adjustment is included.

Effect of dividends recorded as a liability that have not been distributed

Under certain circumstances dividends are recorded as a liability but have not yet been legally distributed. For the determination of INREV NAV, these accrued dividends should be reversed to the NAV.

As per 31 December 2022, 16.5 million is recorded as a liability.

Revaluation to fair value of investment property

After initial recognition, investment property is valued at fair value under the fair value option of IAS 40. Therefore no adjustment had to be made as per 31 December 2022.

Revaluation to fair value of self-constructed or developed investment property

Development property is investment property under construction and valued at fair value under the fair value option of IAS 40.
Therefore no adjustment had to be made as per 31 December 2022.

Revaluation to fair value of investment property held for sale

Assets in this category are measured under IFRS at the lower of cost or net realisable value in the financial statements. The
adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the revaluation of the property intended for sale, measured at cost, to fair value.

As per 31 December 2022, no properties intended for sale had been presented that are not included in the fair value of investment property.

Revaluation to fair value of property that is leased to tenants under a finance lease

Property that is leased to tenants under a finance lease is initially measured on a net investment basis and subsequently re-
measured based on an amortisation pattern reflecting a constant rate of return. The adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the revaluation of the finance lease receivable to fair value.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since no property is held that is leased to tenants under a finance lease.

Revaluation to fair value of real estate held as inventory

Properties intended for sale and accounted for under IAS 2 (Inventory) are measured at the lower of cost or net realisable value in the financial statements. This adjustment represents the impact on the NAV of the revaluation of such properties to net realisable value (fair value less disposal costs). This adjustment should be included under the caption ‘revaluation to fair value of real estate held as inventory’.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since no property is accounted for under IAS 2 (Inventory).

Revaluation to fair value of other investments in real assets

Under IAS16, other investments in real assets are normally accounted for at cost. The adjustment represents the impact on
NAV of the revaluation of other investments in real assets to fair value in accordance with the fair value assumptions under
IFRS 13.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund has no investments in real assets.

Revaluation to fair value of indirect investments not consolidated

Indirect investments in real estate, such as investments in associations and joint ventures, have different accounting
treatments and carrying values under IFRS. Such investments can be valued at cost, fair value or NAV. The adjustment
represents the impact on NAV of the revaluation of indirect investments to fair value if not yet accounted for at fair value.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund has no indirect investments in real estate.

Revaluation to fair value of financial assets and liabilities (including revaluation to fair value of debt obligations)

Financial assets and liabilities such as debt obligations are generally measured at amortised cost, taking into account any impairment when applicable. The adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the revaluation of financial assets and financial liabilities to fair value as determined in accordance with IFRS.

As per 31 December 2022, adjustment of 46,362,000 had been made since the financial assets and liabilities accounted for in the Statement of financial position are materially different from the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities in accordance with the fair value principles of IFRS 13.

Revaluation to fair value of construction contracts for third parties

Under IAS11, construction contracts for third parties are normally accounted for based on the stage of completion. The
adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the revaluation of construction contracts for third parties to fair value in
accordance with the fair value principles of IFRS 13.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund has no construction contracts of third parties.

Set-up costs

Set-up costs (i.e. establishment expenses) are charged immediately to income after the initial closing date. This adjustment
represents the impact on NAV of the capitalisation and amortisation of set-up costs over the first five years of the terms of the Fund. When capitalising and amortising set-up costs, a possible impairment test should be taken into account every time the adjusted NAV is calculated when market circumstances change and it is not to be expected that the capitalised set-up costs can be recovered.

As per 31 December 2022, the set-up costs of the Fund had been amortised, so no adjustment was made as per 31 December 2022.

Acquisition expenses

Under the Fair Value model, acquisition expenses of investments under the fair value assumptions according to IFRS may be partly charged to income or equity as fair value changes at the first subsequent measurement date after acquisition. This is when the fair value at the moment of measurement is less than the total amount of the purchase value of the assets and the acquisition expenses.

This adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the capitalisation and amortisation of acquisition expenses over the period from acquisition of the specific asset to five years after initial closing.

When an asset is sold during the amortisation period, the balance of capitalised acquisition expenses is charged to the income statement in the period of sale.

When capitalising and amortising acquisition costs, a possible impairment test should be taken into account every time the adjusted NAV is calculated (when market circumstances change) and it is not expected that the capitalised acquisition costs can be recovered with the sale of units of the Fund.

As per 31 December 2022, the acquisition expenses of property had been amortised, so no adjustment was made per 31 December 2022.

Contractual fees

A liability represents a present obligation. A fee payable at the end of the lifetime of the Fund or at any other moment during the lifetime of the Fund may not meet the criteria for recognition of a provision or liability in accordance with IFRS at the moment the accounts are prepared.

As per the financial position date, all contractual fees and contingent liabilities are recognised in accordance with IFRS. The
Fund did not enter into any other contractual fees or contingent liabilities that are not presented in the accounts as per the
financial position date.

Revaluation to fair value of savings of purchaser’s costs such as transfer taxes

This adjustment represents the positive impact on NAV of the possible reduction of transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs for the seller based on the expected sale via the sale of shares. Transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs which would be incurred in an asset sale are generally deducted when determining the fair value of the properties. The effect of a possible sale of shares in a property vehicle might be taken into account when determining the deduction of transfer taxes and purchaser’s costs (if this lowers the actual transfer tax and/or purchaser’s costs to be paid upon sale by the seller).
The Fund has no investment property structured in special vehicles.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made due to the fact that it is impossible to sell investment property via a share deal. Therefore, there is no possibility of an additional reduction of the transfer tax or purchaser’s costs that might lead to a higher sales price.

Revaluation to fair value of deferred taxes and tax effect of INREV NAV adjustments

Under IFRS, deferred tax (assets and liabilities) is measured at the nominal statutory tax rate. How the Fund expects to settle deferred tax is not taken into consideration. This adjustment represents the impact on NAV of the deferred tax for assets and liabilities or financial instruments based on the expected settlement. This should be taken into consideration when tax structures have been applied to reduce tax on capital gains or allowances.

When goodwill is included in the Statement of financial position as a result of a deferred tax liability that is eliminated as a result of the above-mentioned adjustment, the goodwill related to this deferred tax will be excluded from NAV.

The Fund has the status of a fiscal investment institution (0% corporate tax rate). Therefore, no adjustment has been made, as the Fund is exempt from corporate tax payments.

Effect of subsidiaries having a negative equity (non-recourse)

The adjustment represents the positive impact on the NAV of the partial or full reversal of the negative equity of the specific
subsidiary. If the vehicle has granted shareholder loans to the subsidiary, these should be taken into account.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund has no subsidiaries with a negative equity.


Upon the acquisition of an entity that is determined to be a business combination, goodwill may arise as a result of a purchase price allocation exercise. A major component of such goodwill in property vehicles often reflects the difference between the full recognition of deferred tax, purchaser’s costs or similar items in the IFRS accounts (which does not generally take account of the likely or intended method of subsequent exit), and the economic value attributed to such items in the actual purchase price. Except where such components of goodwill have already been written off in the NAV as determined under IFRS, they should be written off in the INREV NAV.

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund has no goodwill recognised in the Statement of
financial position.

Non-controlling interest effects of INREV adjustments

This adjustment represents the impact on the NAV of the recognition of non-controlling interests on all of the above

As per 31 December 2022, no adjustment had been made since the Fund holds no minority interests.